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Présentation générale :
You are connected to, edited par SARL Hôtel Restaurant Mendy (C.S.55 000 €.)
Registered RCS - Bayonne n° 378 264 915
Siret : 378 264 915 000 18
TVA intra communautaire : FR 
APE : 551A
Adress : Route Iraty - 64 220 Saint Jean Le Vieux
Directeur of the publication : Mr HIRIART Jean
Tél. : 05 59 37 11 81
The editor is committed to  respect the law on the the setting and activity of an   Internet site.
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Please, remind that the privacy of correspondence is not garanteed on the Internet and that it is up to each user to take all appropriate measures in order to protect his own data and/or software from the contamination by virus circulating on the Internet. 
Editorial Charter
The website is a presentation site of services proposed by SARL Hôtel Rrestaurant Mendy. It is completed by simulation tools. Information given by this site are only indicative.  
Adress : Route Iraty - 64 220 Saint Jean Le Vieux
Tel. : 05 59 37 11 81
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